pool beneath the pond
"I'm Mantra Dhvani, pleased to meet you." She grasped the other female's hand in her own and shook it gladly, pleased to find that she'd been met with humbleness rather than hostility. This place was oddly beautiful at night (or, as some would have it, in the dim hours of morning). The many empty lanterns with obscure markings on them baffled her, and the way they spun like tiny tops in the harsh winter wind gave off of an eerie sort of impression; however, Mantra liked eerie on most occasions, and so the place suited her. This garb that Poe was wearing, it was unusual and yet beautiful in a unique way that reminded the Luperci of something foreign. It's glossy, silky sheen caught the moonlight perfectly and reflected off it shimmering light that made Mantra's eyes grow wide with envy, especially once she noticed the almost flawless embroidery that detailed countless orchids as if the very thing were pasted right in front of her.

The wind's incessant howling brought her focus back to Poe, and it was then she noticed her companion had been in the midst of doing something before she'd rudely interrupted. Mantra craned her head to look at the candles lined up high above their reach. It appeared that Poe had been in the process of lighting them when she'd made her presence known. She felt foolish now for intruding, sure that - despite the other's humble introduction - her counterpart had been less than thrilled to realize a stranger was nearby and even less so when said stranger arrived on the scene. Good going, Mantra. "Sorry if I disturbed you or something, I honestly had no idea you were busy..." She shrugged sheepishly, indicating the candles with a small inclination of her head. Leaving sounded good right now. Probably to both creatures involved. "I can go, if you'd like. Although I would prefer to stay." She grinned. There wasn't any use in hiding how she truly felt and she didn't want to make it seem as if she would have preferred leaving to conversing with Poe.

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