relive the pictures that have come to pass
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There was some distant look in his eye, or perhaps there was something too near. She saw a darkness, a wildness, a chaos come forth within him. A slight, barely discernable smile of satisfaction flickered across her woad bound maw. That was what she was interested in seeing. But rather than sate her curiosity, it merely made her seek it more. She knew that it was this creature—this wilder, feral creature—that was his true quality. That creature of reason was the mask, and, no matter how much that mask had become prominent, the creature of reason was never the true essence of a wolf. A wolf was wild and free, and that wild creature of chaos drove her life and soul. She knew that it must be there within this black male as well. The white eyes flickered back to his grip upon her wrist, and she saw broken in the snow the skull that he had held. This symbol of a broken skull—a broken control—was proof enough that such a thing existed.

The black male approached her with bared teeth, and she responded by unsheathing her own hungering fangs. She let him come, for his control was still intact. The woad warrior had not, however, expected the contact that he gave, but she did not reject it. Her jaws lingered at his exposed throat, and it was almost as if he had given it to her. The warmth of his body embraced her gentle curves, and her well sculpted body, pleasantly toned with the labors of war, involuntarily moved up to greet the male’s worthy form. But she felt his grip upon her tighten, and there was a different hunger on her mind, and her jaws wanted it, to crush life as it was meant to do. It was his voice that stilled her, that broke through seething silence, and bid her come. He wanted to know her, he claimed. The implications of his request were clear, and as his hand fell to her shoulder and down her back. And he began to pull her to that human edifice.

At first she did not respond and passively resisted him. The white orbs stared their challenge openly, and her vicious maw released a quiet snarl. She wondered who he was to demand such a thing. But she found that his demand did not trouble her. She found that she did not want to resist this male, the stranger that he was. The woad swirled fae had seen a part of that darkness, and it was the darkness that she loved. And her curiosity with him bid her to move, and so she did. The black fae let her face grow calm and allowed him lead her into that human building, for the darkness was there too. Because he was there. She felt a different hunger then, and it was as a hot, glowing coal. She hungered for that darkness, for the beast that harbored it. She found that she wanted to know him too. She wanted to let him explore her, to lose himself in her. And she wanted him to loose that darkness harnessed there so that she may taste it and know that too.


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