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The silence yawned onward and for a moment, Akello considered leaving. He wasn't one to simply invite himself onto a scene just because it was supposedly abandoned. He hefted the knapsack further up a shoulder it was beginning to slip from, observing the darkness hidden beyond the door for any sign of life. At about the time he was to turn around and head off toward the caves Gabriel had mentioned, a smooth and sultrily inviting, though deceitfully so in truth, voice answered. A smile small lit his lips as he gently pushed the mansion's door further open and stepped into the cool interior.

He didn't spend much time examining the beauty of the manor, sparing perhaps only a glance to the rich nature preserved within before stepping further into the darker entranceway and turning his head upward. I'm sorry if I disturbed you, he apologised to the nameless, headless voice that had come from above clearly. He set his bag down by his feet, content to simply stand there unless otherwise directed, at least for the moment. I'm new 'round here; didn't know if it was private property or not. Figger, it's best to ask.


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