Man your own jackhammer, Man your battle stations

Now that was a very nice trespasser. Haku was hungry and had wanted to bring something back to his family, and now the work had been done for him. He had not seen the deer go down, but he had heard the noise and later caught the scent of blood. When the chocolate and cream Dahlia wolf entered the scene it was all over, and the deer lay there dead together with an oddly marked canine it with a pink maw. The leader of Dahlia flattened his ears and stalked closer. Trespassing alone was bad enough in his book, but hunting on claimed grounds as well? How rude. Haku was kind though, and the stranger had saved him a lot of trouble. Haku had only expected to catch a rabbit or something small, but now he had a whole deer his family could feast on. It soothed the tawny male, so the stranger was lucky.

He did not stop before he was at the deer. Then without another glance on the stranger, he grabbed the back leg of the animal and started to drag it away. It was a dangerous move to make as first impressions, but the stranger had no power here, and Haku would be pleased only if he backed away instantly and left the lands. He had decided not to say a word though, because the trespasser should be well aware of his own crime, and it would make it so much more interesting if he was not.


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