tearing off the mask of man
500+ Crappy reply, sorryy

Suddenly another story was offered to the chocolate man, and he could not do anything but to sit back and listen do it. If he had been normal, he would have felt sorry for the child she spoke of. It was a sad story, but Haku was unaffected as always. He could understand both sides in the story, but it was an undeserving treatment for the other puppy. Children were stupid, they made mistakes, accidents happened. Haku threw on a compassionate face, but he found the Dawnrunners very interesting by the way Kol described their ways of punishing an innocent puppy. Even if he liked violence and despair, he did not understand why they had punished the girl. With one dead child, there had been one loss, but by crippling the unfortunate child, they had lost two members of their family. Oh well, they ruled their own way just as Haku did here. If Cercelee had not been such a goodie good shoe, then he would have made Dahlia into something truly unique. Hopefully he would never be put on top of the Dahlia hierarchy.

His previous smile returned to the male's face when the story was done and she explained what she had meant. He nodded. Of course. He had not planned anything else anyway. He had established a livable life here, and he had no where else to go, really. Well, always places to go, people to fuck and kill, but he was generally content here as well, and he liked the feeling of being of use. He had a mate and children (ugh, too many), and there seemed to arrive more and more members that he found worthy of interest. He did not have any reasons to leave this place. When she mentioned Colibri Haki, he held his breath and finally looked back at her. She was right and he was best off telling her. That was another thing that endlessly frustrated the brown male. Everyone went psycho on him because of second hand sources. No one never seemed to bother checking facts twice.

The carnival dressed coyote had been one of them. Attacked him without warning and he hadn't even known why. Oh, this world was so fucked up for the man named Haku. He gritted his teeth for a moment before he opened his mouth and let the horrible truth leak out. "One year ago I attacked and raped her, then I left her." There. All he could do now was to watch her face darken and her eyes turn him into a stranger she did not want to know. He tilted his head and let his sky blue gaze fall to the ground, resting on frozen leaves and broken dreams. He was sorry for what he had done, but he could not change it. It was true that he had not fully been himself when it happened, but it was no excuse. Haku and his demon had been united for too long and had almost merged into one being. He would have been fully in its power if the the creature had not chosen to go into a long slumber.


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