Got so much salt from your lies
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It was not only the words from the clan member that made him strike and believe what he had said was truth. It was everything about this wolf. Onus could sniff out a criminal from miles away and there was no doubt in his mind that Haku was one. Whether or not he had killed those coyotes he had no doubt done something worthy of punishment. Punishment that the vigilante was more than happy to dish out.

Unfortunately the large male must have sensed it coming for he dodged out of the way of his claws. Too bad. That would have been a lovely start to the fight had it worked. Onus was far from discouraged however. As a forceful punch was directed his way he easily avoided the blow. Turning, he moved backwards and tried to slash at the wolf's back with his claws while still backpedaling. His movements had amazing precision and speed and he was soon standing a good distance away from his opponent, watching him.


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