whatever they say your soul's unbreakable
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... fenban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

^=^; I hope you don’t mind a little powerplay here...

Once again the coy had succeeded in evading her attacks. The crescent kick had found nothing, just as her low, sweeping strike had made only the air move. The smile of that strange and wild delight danced upon her lips, and she was moved to find a way with which to satisfy her body’s need for that martial contact—just as every body desired when engaged in such activities. He jumped over her, and the white orbs watched his strangely clothed form pass by. She found herself moving automatically, as if his movement had invoked a response within her. Perhaps it was the primitive instinct to protect her belly and throat, the soft undersides that were so vulnerable to the hungry jaws and claws of the attacker. And though she knew that he was not going to kill her, the mind moved the body to react before she could think not too. And her mind did not have time for such thoughts, for the conscious was purely focused upon the blindfolded creature with whom she was engaged.

As the blindfolded coy turned back to face her, the female too had completed the twist to roll onto her belly. The white orbs were unblinking as they watched, for she knew, especially with this opponent, that in a blink of an eye, too many things could happen. And he was quick. He was moving back to her so quickly, but her was crouched now to grab at her arms that supported her. Pushing against the earth, the female freed herself of dependency upon them, propelling herself as she did so with her legs to his throat. A snarl sounded in her throat as her jaws opened to embrace his scarf covered throat (and at that angle, her throat was exposed to him as well, and she knew this). But at the last minute, she thrust her hands back onto the earth, halting herself and ceasing all movement. The momentum carried her forward, allowing her strong teeth to brush against the fur on his lower jaw and the fabric of his scarf. But they did not cut, and she was not viscous but gentle. As the warrior pulled back, her jaws closed with an audible snap on the empty air, and it was clear that she had ended their game.

Sitting back on her heels and kneeling, the female was silent for a moment, that feral smile expressing her pleasure to the coy. "You serve her well, City-Knight," the alto voice sang in the nighttime silence. She knew that the other did not require her approval, and she knew that the other knew of his skill. Nevertheless, perhaps more on her own behalf, she had tested his skill, and an assessment of such skill was necessary—or so she felt. The female rose, and as she did so, the pied Raven swept silently in through the thick boughs of the trees, landing near her fallen spear. The warrior did not yet heed her Dream. Instead, she offered her hand to the male. She knew, also, that he did not need her help, but it was more a symbol of her acceptance of his presence. To not take it would be a mistake.


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