Man your own jackhammer, Man your battle stations


[ooc; crawls under a rock...]
Watching Leroy listened to the brown male before, the calm male who's words just entered his ears. To be all honest he had respect for the male, but that didn't mean he would hand over what he worked for to him. A part of the patterned male was excited for this which was unknown to him as to why, he had seen the scars on the brown male as well his relaxed state. He had nothing more to say as he watched him backup before launching himself over the small gap. Shifting his body Leroy drifted to the side as the weight of Haku settled just past his shoulder, pulling his body against the weight the husky moved as he dived at the other male. Snarls emitted as Leroy's jaws launched themselves at Haku's side as his own black and white hind legs fishtailed in the snow, strips of blood slowly appeared all along his shoulders from Haku's fangs.

Fangs flashed aiming for which ever muck of flesh he could grab on, Leroy ignored the first gashes as he tried to use ram with his shoulder as well.


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