i sold my soul to the open road

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

It was good to see his father smile, even if it was accompanied by some tears. He couldn’t possibly imagine how his father felt, and Apollo didn’t think he ever would want to know. He smiled back at Pilot, nodding his head. "Sure have," he replied, though that wasn’t what he had come here to talk to Pilot about. The subject of Inferni and Hybrid was a scalding one, and Apollo wasn’t fond of the idea of picking it up. Yet, he knew that he would have to in order to conclude whether or not his father would be alright.

"Dad," he started, wondering how he should put things. He didn’t know details, and he didn’t want to. All he knew was that Hybrid had put his hands on Pilot, and that was enough to get the boy’s blood boiling. "I heard," he choked out, "about Inferni." He dropped his eyes, afraid to see what emotion would mirror in Pilot’s silver gaze.


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