without ever letting go, i knew you'd gone astray.
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... ump/12.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Geneva followed closely behind Ehno, content to be his shadow on this, their first adventure together. She let her eyes scan to the sides of him. In the dark, it was a comfort to see shafts of light falling over his shoulders. She found herself holding her breath, waiting for another sudden burst of noise to distract and astound her. Her ears stood erect, quivering to locate another source of sound.

She was glad when there weren't any sudden surprises. She noticed in the dark of the wreckage that wooden boxes had splintered upon impact. She took care to look at the ground, careful to direct her steps away from sharp shards of wood. A huge splinter in the delicate pads of her feet would not be the ideal souvenir to bring home.

When Ehno went to his knees, Geneva followed the movement. She found that this put him in a position to tower over her, so she adjusted her position to a loose squat instead. It was awkward, but at least now the small-boned wolfess was more on eye-level with her packmate. She leaned in to investigate the object he offered for her review.

It was cylindrical. She passed her fingers over the object. She found it cool to the touch. She turned it and her eyes traced over the label. "I think this is food. It says 'corn.'"

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