WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

poor confused puppy

All her sounds rang sweet songs in his ears, the moans and groans of pleaser and approval brought come of his own. Their actions entwined with their loud breathing as her scent all but fill his senses, Leroy rumbled loudly from the sweet warmth. Every second of their bliss pushed him closer; he soaked it all in, the sounds, the scents, the touches, and the blood. The black and white male was sure of his firecracker’s finish just before his own, their time passed as he plopped down beside her on the bed. He purred quietly as her body pulled on to him. Pink eyes closed to the feel of her warm touch on his chest, a small burning returned to his body but the male ignored the pain. Leroy could almost go to sleep as he welcomed her cuddling, barely drifting off as his own hand rubbed the fur on Svara’s back.

Leroy thought the cabin smelt very familiar, but he wasn’t able to place it as the female’s scent filled the room. The silence was nice as he finally felt like his day had turned around, though he wouldn’t be able to stay much longer. No sooner then the thought passed did footsteps rumble the house outside her room, leaning forward his pink eyes narrowed as a wave of caution filled him. Quickly glancing at the sleeping Svara his brows pushed together as he sat still, he felt unsure about the new company that quickly stomped to their door. Leroy’s ears flatten back as the door busted open to s how Haku. “Wait what?!” His words escaped as his head jerked to the female before turning back to Haku. He hadn’t intended on crossing paths with him again. Everything screamed bad to Leroy, an he wasn’t in great condition to fight him again.

The loud snarl brought Leroy to flip back right out of the bed as he hopped to his feet, dodging the teeth he held his arms up ready to defend himself. ”What, YOU live here?!” Leroy felt utterly confused as he growled lowly back at him, he was aware that he might be battling him again. Glancing at Svara he felt a spark of anger, ’she brought me here! To his home!’ Even though she was unaware it still boiled him. His actives reopened his neck and shoulder wounds as the blood slowly appeared, breathing he wished he hadn’t shifted forms now. Things just seem to keep getting worse.


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