WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

The man got up and tried to protect himself with his hand, but it would be pointless. Leroy had intruded the lands after Haku had told him to leave, and therefore both Svara and Leroy were in the same boat. Both were in some deep fucking shit to be subtle. He would have made a second charge instantly if not a dagger had slashed him, and his face violently turned to look at the child. Wrong move, such a fucking wrong wrong move. His hackles rose and his presence overtook the room with its lethal aroma. She tried to talk to him as she always did, believing she had the fucking right to speak, and even using such a disrespectful approach to do so. No, he was done with this now. She had lost his full support and trust, she had lost it all because she was unable to fucking learn to behave. He should have kicked her out of cabin and pack ages ago because of her disgusting way of acting, but he had not. Now the patience had been completely drawn out of him, because he had realized this child was just a fucking brat without any worth whatsoever.

Fine, two against one, no worries. The idiotic girl even threw the blade to the floor, and would now be defenseless. Another mistake of hers. She stood on the floor and believed it was this easy. Poor naive little shit. She tried to talk, but Haku's ears were deaf to the sound of her voice. He would not stand idle on the side line any more. "Shut up!" This was not about her fucking boys. She had brought the male into the pack, the male that just earlier been told off. To make it worse, She had brought him with home to Haku's home where his youngest children lived. He did not give a fucking shit about who the mentally unstable twat screwed with. Her actions had consequences because she had put other Dahlia members in danger. The male's crime was that he had fucked a minor in Dahlia, and Haku would not let him get away with it. The Lilium threw himself at Svara to knock the air out of her before he turned just as quickly to face the male again, throwing his body at Leroy, teeth and claws desperate to connect to flesh. Eyes and fangs craved blood, and Haku and the Demon had merged fully for time being to deal with this little problem.


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