WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

Svara had to help. She couldn't just sit there and let Haku kill him, at least give him some time to get out of here. Pulling the dagger out from her bloody hand she went towards the frey and waited for her opening. She watched as knees flew up and kicks were delivered. She had a plan, something that might hurt her, but at least wouldn't get Haku or Leroy anymore pain. The moment came after the knee was pushed into Haku, stopping him from killing the man she had just slept with. A loyalty was to him, if not because she had dragged him into this. No male deserved this just because he wanted to ease his hard on.

Making sure to calculate her movements she waited. Waited until it looked like Leroy was going to go after Haku this time. The red she wolf jumped onto Haku's back from behind and smeared the blood gushing hand over his eyes. She hoped it had been enough to blind him. Hoped that he would lash out at her and give the other male time to get the fuck out. Then it would be over, then she could take her punishment. Svara Thames didn't want to see either male hurt because she was a stuborn ass hole.



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