ticket to love.

Mwahahah! I am excited for these two!

It was so easy for him to lose himself in his work. He enjoyed working with wood immensely, delighting in the many different things he could create with it. But it was his shelters that he loved best. He was able to add personality to each and every one – Jasper Valley was filled with his many creations. And now here, at his knew home he'd make the greatest one yet, just wait.
So it was understandable that he was completely absorbed in his job. He moved gracefully through the worksite, finding the perfect pieces of wood to fit his design, hammering away to create something beautiful. And that's when she arrived. He didn't look at her first – he was in the middle of reinforcing one of the support beams. He almost didn't hear her, he was so involved with the job – but her inquiring words managed to grab his attention and he paused, startled out of his reverie. He probably would have offered a rude comment in reply, voice dripping with sarcasm. Instead, he merely turned to look at his interrupter, and that's when it happened.

It looked as if a weight fell right on his head, impacting the male in a great way. His eyes widened and he stared, his grip on the hammer loosening until it fell from his paw and landed right on his foot. A yowl of pain distracted him from his trance and he jumped up, hopping on one foot while he attempted to grasp at the other. God damn it that hurt! It hurt a lot, but why couldn't he allow himself complete attention to his pain? His eyes kept wandering back to the beautiful female, hungry, wanting more. He pushed the hammer aside with a flick of his good foot and turned completely to see her. She'd asked a question, hadn't she? He struggled to remember, his mind cloudy with thoughts of her. Er...what? Oh, very clever. He certainly was a winner.


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