Tell me a STORY

His words burned Whinifreds ears and made her eyes down cast in a sad gaze. She hadn't expected such words from her leader. How could she put her trust, her life in his hands if he did not care? Blue eyes lifted to gaze over his face again searching curiously. "Monsieur, your words are hurtful to me. I did not thing I or the other members of this pack deserved such disrespectful thought." Fred moved away from him, angry at him, for being so blind. Why were they always so quick to judge? "And as for a dreamer Monsieur, with out dreams what is there left but insanity?" Whinifred asked him gently. She wasn't perfect, she knew she was probably not the type of female he wished he had in his pack, but Fred was far from a sulking twit.

Moving around the room Whinnie went back to the warm flame sitting near it and listening to the cracking of the fire. She couldn't even begin to understand Monsieur Jefferson, maybe she was wrong to. His ablity to blow off his pack members was something Fred would find irritating now and in the future, she was sure. Getting up from the floor Whinnie had had enough. Moving past where he sat she looked down at him with strong blue and half green eyes before speaking to him. "With such little faith and love for your followers it is not a surprise to me the size and dwindling life in this pack. Maybe Monsieur if you stop wallowing in your own self pity you could see that." She said almost tersly before slowly moving away from him and towards the door of the ranch.


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