don't cry.
[html]Empusa had come here the night before, to this island. It really was a frightening place at night...she'd been really afraid when darkness had fallen. She had wondered if anyone else was around on the island at night, wolves that might sneak up behind her and attack her while she was asleep. She'd woken up a few times during the night because of her worrying, thinking she'd heard something or another.

It didn't seem like someone of her size would have been able to make it all the way out to Thunder Island, but she hadn't had to swim. She had waited for the tide to go out in the morning and then walked along the path that crossed between Lightning Bay and the island. It'd been easy. But then she had been trapped there, when the tide had come back in.

Empusa sighed as she looked out over the coast. She'd already missed the tide going out today, she'd slept through it, so now she would have to wait another entire day.

She started off down the beach, not noticing the wolf that sat down next to the shore until she was almost upon her. "Oh! I--I'm sorry for intruding. You 'ave come out to ze island as vell?"[/html]

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