Future Foe Scenarios
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... /heath.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I fail

Heath watched as the distance between them shortened. Even though he didn’t give any indication that he approved the approach. He could feel the males eyes wandering hid form, no doubt thinking that he could take him in an instance, one arm tied behind his back. The fucker was crazy if he thought that Heath would be taken so easily.

His words passed over him, in on ear and out the other. It snagged on the last word. Kid? his own eye brow rose at the sound of it. Who hell was this guy calling a kid, and who was he to be reading him anyways. Did he think he was his father? My daddys been long dead. I aint your kid. Casse-toi The words spat from his mouth as he took the final steps to close the gap between them. If he wanted to read him, to know who he was then he would have to get much closer. Maybe that what the pretty boy wanted. The mere thought made Heath bring his black furred hand to the other shoulder, moving to push him backward.


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