Future Foe Scenarios
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... /heath.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I fail

His accented voice bellowed, deep within this not so deep chest. Pity, eh

Of course he didn’t fall, didn’t back down or even blink. In an instant, less then a breath the larger male had the yearling’s wrist in paw ready to pluck the hand right off his soot toned arm. Heath was ready for it, the burning of his skin and the pain of the twisted muscles. It thrilled him, chasing the hate from his mind and leaving nothing more then the need for more. He only turned with the motion. The words were fuel, coming back over in his mind as the younger male rocked his second fist over passed his right and toward the side of the male’s head.

Nothing hooked better then the southpaw.


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