Round two

Steel eyes opened and instinctively he knew he had not been sleeping for long before his slumber had been interrupted. The skin on his face tingled still where she had caressed him and oddly enough it was that he noticed first rather than her face staring down into hers. When his eyes did focus in on her, he did not show any of the surprise he felt, nor was he upset as one might have imagined. Had he been open he might have laughed out loud, but he only raised his own hand and gently caressed her face, much in the manner she had while he had slept. Smiling up at her, as if finding her spying on him while he slept was the most natural thing in the world, Ly mentally prepared himself.

“Why, hey there love. Hope you brought me somethin’ good for breakfast.” Yawning and pulling himself half upright, one hand found the back of his head to scratch while the other balance him as his brought himself fully into the waking world. Her entrance into his home was his fault, he had after all left the door unlocked and open, even knowing that such snooping and peeping creatures such as Whinifred resided in Phoenix Valley. The memory of her accidental voyeurism came to mind and the only real effect it had on the male was to waken him more, providing a rush of energy and creativity.

Bringing himself up fully into a sitting, he looked about, as if there was anything to look at in his empty cabin. Turning back to Whinifred, he eyed her again, thinking, then shrugged. “You really must get a hobby, were you hoping for another show or somethin’?” Ly found that he wouldn’t have minded if she was, but it was unlikely. She didn’t seem like the type, but she could surprise him. Lysander, after all, loved surprises, both getting them and giving them.

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