gravity rides everything - p leland
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     Leland paused considering, not at all miffed by the laughter of the male but instead sharing in it. Indeed women were maddening, Leland had yet to comprehend them and he doubted if he ever would fully. "Ask her huh? I’ve been down tha road before. Not always as easy as ya’d think" In his experience, and from watching the failures of his brothers, he knew that women could be dishonest, confused, or unclear with this words and feelings. Or they might even be clear and mean one thing, but turn around and do another. Asking was an option, but Leland wasn’t sure if he had the courage to do so until he exploited his other options.

     Clearing his throat, why he decided to share this now when he had tried so hard to forget about it, he turned to Lannen. "Back home, my best friend stole my girl. She promised that she loved me an’ only me an’ everythin’ but then she turned around an’ ended up with him." He had been so upset then that he had left, not really saying good bye to either of them, only letting his brothers know briefly that he was leaving and not to expect him to return. Perhaps now that he could speak of it meant he was getting over it all, despite the blow to his ego it had been. Or perhaps he was just distracted enough by the pretty girls here to dwell too much on it. Either way, it felt nice sharing it with someone. "I loved her too... stupid girl."


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