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As Geneva stepped forward and nuzzled against her face the tears brimmed in her colored orbs. She searched those lighter shaded eyes, hoping to find an answer. The sorrow was evident in them even though they were dry unlike her own. Even though she said that it wasn't her fault, Savina couldn't help but still feel a little guilty. It was clear that she had missed something huge. Whether it could have been prevented or not, she should have known about it. Had she been too wrapped up in her own joy to see what else was going on around her?

The next words came as a bit of a shock. While she had known that there had been emotional tension between the two, it had been a while since it had been spoken about. Lately Stockholm had seemed happy and content and she had just figured that things had worked themselves out. Apparently she had been so very wrong. " there anything? Anything I could do?" It was a selfish question. But she wanted to badly for her friend to stay. Already she had imagined the woman telling stories to her children and now it was all being ripped away.

Already in her heart she knew that Geneva had to leave. Savina tried to imagine how it would feel if she were not able to be with Kansas yet had to live in the same pack as him. It would kill her, she knew that. And she knew that must be what the slate wolfess was feeling right now. She could understand, she just didn't want to. She didn't want to say goodbye. "I don't want to lose you..." Tears cut rivers in her dark cheeks. There was nothing that could stop this now.


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