Round two

Staring at her, one brow raised, he silently pondered her words and then laughed deeply, as if he hadn’t heard anything so funny in a long time. “That’s funny, because a real man doesn’t make such deals with women, not even a french women, Whini. He drew out the syllable of the nickname he had chosen for her, making a point of it. The husky brute was content to forgo breakfast or anything else the lady had to offer if he had to play by her rules. Ly had his own set of rules for each and every game he played, he didn’t enjoy playing by other’s because it meant his chances of winning went down. Perhaps they sometimes made the game more enjoyable, but he could easily adapt his own rules if that was the case.

Her reply made him pause, or at least he chose to pause, as if he were thinking about it. Really he was just staring at her, absorbing every detail of her face. He found that he didn’t mind look at it at all. It was pleasant enough. “Hmm... would I expect that of ya.” He took some more time to “think”, memorizing the color of her eyes. “Well ya seemed to enjoy it the first time, I don’t see why ya wouldn’t come back for more.” A loud sigh escaped him, as if it were all some sort of burden. Her presence, her telling him that indeed her hobby was to stalk him. Pulling himself up and brushing his fur out with his hands, he offered her a hand to pull her up. “You need a new hobby then. Ya won’t be having much more fun with your current one.”

“I’m not who ya think I am, Whini. I’m boring, nothing in my life. Trust me, you’d get sickl of it real fast.” His arm swept the room they were standing in, barren and empty. “This is my whole life? Why’d you want to watch that?” Of course he knew as well as she did that the female spent her time doing other things, he would had known long ago if she had been following him often. Yet Ly never passed up a chance to talk about himself, his life, even if none of it was true.

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