when the wind blows (J)

It was quite the rare thing for Jasper to smile, but playing and laughing was something that was beyond odd for him. It felt good though, he couldn't deny that, and it only made the smile that stretched across his face now to go even wider. He was happy that the boy was happy and happy that Seti made him happy also, if that really made any sense. His heart was racing now, pounding so hard that he could hear it in his own ears, drowning out the sound of his own laughter. He could barely hear Seti giggling behind him, though the encouragement to speed up was very clear. He did just that to, only to the point that he knew it would still be safe for the younger male.

At their speed, of course, it didn't take them very long to make it a good ways into the lands. Just ahead of him, Jasper could see the vast lake, the bridge that had been built so they could walk across the narrowest part of the river that it broke off into, and finally the tree house. The blonde male didn't stop when they made it there though, instead he circled the tree, once, twice, three times, slowing down each time as they went around. Finally, Jasper slowed enough to bring them to a stop, dropping the handle and panting quietly. "We're here!" He motioned to the tree house, which really wasn't all that far from the ground. "Do ya wanna go up there now an' get something to eat or do ya wanna look around the lands some?"


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