go and cut me down

His snap missed its intended target, but struck nonetheless; he felt her ear fly through his jaws, but not before his teeth nearly click shut on it. Likely he had only torn a little of it open. He was not bad for fighting, though, and seeing as she had dropped, he wanted to get out of her range as quickly as possible. He danced backwards, paws fumbling for balance as her head smashed into his collarbone, narrowly missing the throat that would have been far more damaged by such a strike. The fact that she had hit at all made him snarl bitterly, but nonetheless, the mad little coyote continued backing up. He knew he was giving her chances to gain her composure and either book it back to the wolves she'd come, or time to charge him; nonetheless, he had struck first, and was not intending to make any more crucial errors.

Gonna come at me, now, wolflover? He cackled darkly in her direction, eyes gleaming in the frosted sunlight. C'mon, sissy, le's see what you got. I'll g've you two more strikes 'fore your throat c'mes out. He figured he was being generous; it would give her time to flee, and him time to pursue her until she was securely away from the clan's territory.


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