runaway on a leash
Big Grin

The Italian boy was maybe even a bit more surprised than the smaller wolf when it tumbled over, and his muscles tensed and his eyes widened. There it went, face first, right in the snow. Beppe winced; the snow was so cold! The poor little thing! He moved towards it quickly, hoping to help, but the other got back up almost immediately and shook, seeming completely unfazed by the snow. Beppe felt vaguely embarassed for rushing to his side, but the other didn't mention it and the apprehension was gone quickly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you.." he said softly, before nodding. "Yes, I'm from Clouded Tears. I am called Beppe. Pleased to meet you!" He smiled broadly, eying the snow that was still clinging to the other's fur. "Aren't you cold?" The Italian boy could imagine himself shivering and completely miserable if he were to trip and tumble into the snow. He didn't even really want to think about it, either.


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