the canals of our city
Made by Hickey

The little lady didn't do so well with water at all. She couldn't swim and kept away from it as much as possible. But the sight of a wolf standing upon the frozen surface had piqued her interest. It had drawn her close though she remained safely upon the shore. She didn't dare step paw upon the ice given what happened the last time she had stepped on a river that she had figure was frozen. Trotting along the snow covered bank she came as close as she dared. Four paws carried her weight easily enough and supported her as she stood on the shore behind the female on the ice.

"Whatchu doing?" Question was called out but she wouldn't step any closer to find out on her own. Rather she just watched from where she was posted. The pup stretched out her neck as far as possible to try and see around the other female. It didn't work so well but it was the best that she could do from where she was. She wasn't ready to brave the ice yet. She didn't want it to crack away under her. After all it only took one wrong step for that to happen.

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