pretty noose is pretty hate
Holy hell, long-ass ridiculous wait. We can end here, or you can post one more time—whatever you like. Smile

Kansas listened to feed his curiosity. He was born over the mountain, too. Kansas wondered where, and if he was familiar with Storm, or maybe even his father. But the man continued on to say that he had not been around the area most of his life, and despite not exactly knowing what this meant, the Sadira didn't press further. The more wolves he met, the more he realized how many had lived elsewhere, in places he was unfamiliar with.

He nodded to Bane's request, tensing his muscles against the pinch he was about to feel. To his surprise, he barely felt anything. He hadn't expected the ice to actually work. Before he knew it, Bane had pulled away to examine the result. Kansas flashed him a small grin, and resisted the impulse to touch the piercing. "Thank you, Bane." After a brief pause, he got into his satchel and fished out a beaded necklace he'd found in one of the abandoned buildings of Halifax. He held it before himself to make sure it was still intact before pushing it toward the ebonite wolf. "Please take this. Not sure... how much use it is to you, but maybe you can trade it for something better." It was weak, but it was something. "You should come by Crimson Dreams, if you'd like. And if you ever have the time..." Of course, Kansas didn't expect him to. But he said it to... tie up loose ends. That was how he thought of it.


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