Round two

Whinnie couldn't help but smile at him. She really did find him a spark in her day. "Ahhh you'll learn to speak it soon enough." She said waving her hand. Blue eyes never straied to far from him. She watched his actions, calculationed him. "Non? I don't know who you are?" Fred seemed to think about it then nodded. "But why would I be here if I did? I don't get bored with you Monsieur." Whinnie said truthfully. He was like a breath of fresh air that never stopped it just changed it's direction or the scent it carried.

His last response made her eyebrow raise. "Well you know what they say, it's only everyone that's after the first is the idiot." She grinned casually walking towards him ignoring his excuse to clean. "Do you think I'm a fool monsieur? Do you think I don't see your tricks?" Fred made a show of moving closer to him putting her face close to his her nose almost touching his. "Tell me Amour did you like what I gave you last time?" Her eyes were questioning blue searching. She didn't mention him ignoring her at the meeting, why should she? She knew what he was and unlike the smart women who would want nothing to do with him, Fred found the prospects of being near him exilirating, she just knew he was going to find a way for her to regret it.


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