they whisper words into my ears.

There were times that Naniko wondered why she had joined a pack at all, why she continued to stick around Clouded Tears' territory even after all of her family had left it...and she still hadn't found an answer. She felt tied to the territory, the place that she had been taken to at three months of age. She and Laruku were the only pack members that were left from that time, more than a year before. Maybe it was because she had nowhere else to go that she stayed there, or maybe it was because she didn't want to be like them. Those that had left. To her Clouded Tears had been a safe haven when she'd had nothing. Been a nobody.

Right now she had a job in the pack, being the apothecary. She took care of whatever medical needs the group had, as well as caring for a few of the wild animals in the surrounding area. It kept her busy, most of the time, until she found something that needed more attention. Like Maria.

Naniko rubbed at her sore leg a little as she sat there, running her fingers over the scars. As long as she didn't run into any more coyotes she'd be fine. Her leg still hurt a little in places, mostly around the area where the break had been, where the bone had been pushed up through the skin. It was worse that she had already broken that leg once in the past; healing for this injury had taken much longer this time around.

The hunter stood up to her full, towering height, surveying the lands around her. White, white white. She could see a bit of skyscraper peeking up in the distance, past the next slope, a sign of hope. She lifted her nose to the breeze, filtering through all of the scents. What ones were new, and what ones were old? She was having trouble telling the difference. Naniko started walking again, starting for the human city. She pulled her feet up from the crusty snow when they got stuck, trying not to trip. Maybe it would have been faster to go in the four-legged form...she slipped on the next step, falling forward into the snow.

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