Where you are I'll never know
Kailier was looking as far as she could see for anything, any sign of someone among the snow. She knew she should be asleep, but she was a natural night owl, which usually made her hesitant to go into her nest, but tonight, she just wouldn't fall asleep like she usually did. She went on, determined to find something to make her fall asleep. She was starting to get a little drowsy, but that changed when she saw some footprints in th snow. She decided that if she were to follow them, she would be happier. Kailier was certainly happy following them.

Kailier was following the footprints in hopes of finding someone. She didn't know why she loved hanging around with other wolves and Luperci, she just did. Kailier had started to follow the footprints in an almost-asleep state when she found the terrain going up. She opened her eyes and saw that she was on a hill. Kailier started to climb it so that she could find the wolves that had made them. Once she was at the top, she saw two wolf figures outlined in the snow. Suddenly, she realized who she had followed. Kailier had followed them, and she felt accomplished, yet like she had done something wrong. Was she supposed to find Naniko as the pup had? She couldn't quite figure out who was the pup. Kailier, although hesitant, went up to the friendly wolves, or Luperci, if anyone wanted to be correct. Was that a smart choice? Kailier didn't know.

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