I will never see the sky the same way

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So the mother had left her Phoenix Valley due to safety issues. Understandable, but a little ironic nonetheless. After all, Dahlia de Mai wasn’t known to be a safe or welcoming pack. On the contrary, they had fought against Inferni a few months ago and although the war was over, old tensions were slowly resurfacing. And as if that wasn’t enough, Dahlia de Mai had that little idiot Svara running around and starting fights with everyone. Then there was Firefly, as hotheaded as ever. Alexey assumed the Lillium’s mate wouldn’t exactly welcome Deuce’s family with open arms. Thankfully, they didn’t have to worry about Haku’s temper.

Alexey understood the ivory woman’s distaste for coyotes, considering the fact that she’d gotten into plenty of fights with those bastards, especially Inferni. The only difference between the two women was that the Circèe wasn’t judgmental enough to hate the whole lot of them. Meeting DaVinci had slightly altered her opinions when it came to hybrids. They weren’t so bad after all. She simply nodded, cautious enough not to trigger a debate with her new pack mate. If she was anything like Adelaida, there was no changing her mind and it was best not to argue.

Good thing she’d been wise enough not to say anything because Deuce’s explanation made Alexey flatten her ears against her head. She had lost a child? “I’m sorry,” she murmured, wondering what else she could say to make things better. But Deuce quickly changed the topic at hand by mentioning Colibri. “Sounds great, thank you,” she said a little absent-mindedly.

There was another question in the back of her mind. Alexey had tried to ignore it at first, but doing so would mean going against her nosy nature. “I assume Firefly doesn’t know about Willow yet,” The tawny girl knew her friend well enough to know that all hell would break loose the second Firefly would lay eyes on little Willow Soul.


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