Like a piece of the puzzle that falls into place
[html]Empusa had been born away from Inferni, where the rest of her family lived...she had been born in the subway in the human city. Sometimes she thought that Inferni was a strange place to live, so un-humanized, but then again, they did have this house. It reminded her of her old life, in the human city. When it had just been her and mother. Those had been the days.

She thought about what Matrix was saying. Too bad that they weren't related; a lot of Empusa's real relatives didn't seem to care much for her, it'd be nice to meet a somewhat-good-tempered relative that might listen to her once in a while. Empusa nodded in agreement, that they should go check out the building, and followed the older female to the front. The steps creaked beneath her feet and she jumped a little. It'd been a while since she'd been around a house...she'd forgotten about the creaks.

The youngster stood up on her tip-toes, but still couldn't see through the window. "Ve can go inside together, and if the house is owned by someone in particular and zey want us out, we can leave and find something better to do"[/html]

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