A wolf in sheep's clothing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... fenban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Okay~ OuO

It seemed that this creature, unlike Brennt, could learn. He was perceptive and quick to alter his course of action. His timing was instinctual as well, for, when he shifted his weight to focus upon the shoulder her jaws sought, it was too late for her to change her own course of action. Her body already moved through the air with its agile grace, but she could not stop now, for the air was light and moving, unlike the solid earth she had left behind. And she knew that her own weight and strength could not overcome that of the male, but that could not matter now, for this one action was irreversible and the mind had already left that behind. But the aggression of the wolf did not care, and those hungering jaws would take what it could before she fell. A feral snarl was ripped from her throat as the white orbs made the focus their quarry.

The impact that came was inevitable, but her strong white teeth ripped into the shoulder that was given to her, ripping through the flesh and muscle, snapping shut upon him with blood spilling into her mouth and sliding down her throat before her jaws were forced upon once more by the male’s simple, effective maneuver. The black fae’s head was pushed aside by that invisible force, and her paws scarcely had time to push off of the male’s body before she was thrown aside, his strength unmarred by her body’s presence. The male’s overwhelming scent and the enticing scent of his blood was left behind, rushed away by the passing wind as she prepared herself for the fall. Her body relaxed, and as she hit the earth the shock moved through her loosened muscles ineffectively. Rolling, the female set herself back upon her paws as she faced the brute once more.

The woad warrior found the tree at her back, ceasing her movements. And she stopped and was still. But the snarling and growling was incessant, as if the warrior sang some sort of ancient battle song that sang with that guttural, toneless melody. A wolf’s song. She had caused the male damage, but she took her own as well. The blood in the air and the scent of both wolves intermingled in the air, as there were some sort of intercourse. But her body was her own and could not be taken for a stranger’s mere desires. Her body could only be given. That was what had begun this battle, but it did not seem as if that was what would end it. And yet, these thoughts murmured within the recesses of her mind. A different thought was prominent, and its fire shone brightly through the bone white of her eyes. Her body was ready to move, to lunge forward, to attack and kill or be killed. But she waited there, waiting for him this time. Slowly, the woad bound paws carried her about his form as she circled him in that ancient war dance. The white orbs never left that strange yellow eye that glared with such clarity.


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