Their all angels in disguise
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He opened his eyes when Svara turned in his arms, her tears seem to fade as she kissed him; returning his own Leroy had a small smile as their lips connected,he rumbled slightly when she nibbled at his lips an her hands in his hair. A part of him was content that she was no longer crying but then again Leroy wasn't going to complain with her attention, at times he may appear to act like a child but he did like his attention an when it came down to it he didn't like sharing. Even if it means time,unless it was for her, though other females grew angry and tired of that.
When Svara pulled away he took a deep breath with a smile as he watched her yellow eyes that seemed to want something. Watching her he was surprised by her question, pierce her. Never dropping his smile he watched her get his hands and begin nibbling on them like they were a snack, her eyes begging him for the simple request it looked cute. Maybe he called her cute too much but it was the only word to fit at the moment.

"well.." Her sudden shout at nothing made him raise a brow as he smiled still at her with his red eyes looking over everything, Leroy's smile grew until he just laughed out loud. Pulling one hand up her rubbed her face as he talked with a chuckle. "Well, I don't see why not..thought I'm not sure we have the right items with us." Looking back at his tool bag he thought about what was all in it before turning back to the red female, tail thumping behind him he repeated her actions by getting her hands an nipping her fingers."What is it your wanting to get pierced Svara? Being that if I'm to do it I need the information"


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