there's no inbetween

i'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

His mind was hazy, but comfortably so. The corners of the room were starting bleed into each other, forcing him to focus on what was in front of him, namely, Talitha, who tossed the bottle onto the bed. For a moment, the coyote tensed as the girl moved towards him and placed her chin on his shoulder, before relaxing into it. Giggle was not one for intimacy; proximity made him nervous. Right now, though, he just felt warm, and it was all okay. She answered his question, confirming his original assumption. He hummed under his breath for a moment, listening to her question. 'I guess not,' he admitted, yawning lightly. Since his arrival at Inferni he had hardly even considered his family. Perhaps it was strange that he'd never properly bonded with them, but to him, it was just the way things were.


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