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His ears pinned back as his tail flickered when she closed the gap, were words went in one ear and out the other as he stared at her with a silent glare. He didn't even hear her statement as she lowered herself towards him. Leroy liked his space an she didn't seem to care about that, woman or not Leroy didn't mind teaching somebody a lesson. His patience with her was quickly dwindling as her hands placed themselves on his shoulders. Leroy only liked to by touched when he wanted, not when others wanted to.

The female was appealing but she didn't seem like his type, maybe his current mood put attractions out of the way. Snorting loudly Leroy's patterned body rose to a full stand as he glared at the red female, watching his red eyes narrowed on the bags. He didn't really understand her words as the smell of the bags was new, strong, and a bit horrible on his nose. "What in the hell of earth is that ?" One hand slightly covered his nose before scratching the top of his head, ever keeping a eye on the female. Something about her was a bit funny but Leroy couldn't put his finger on it. Eyes moving from her face then to the bag his voice never changing a he spoke, "a hit-what the fuck is that, it smells awful..I've never seen or smelt that stuff.."


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