Don't tell the trees
[html]She wondered sometimes...if she had been born looking more like a wolf, would she have been denied entrance to Inferni like her mother had? Empusa knew that they knew that she was part wolf, but she looked like a coyote...a small one, at that. So maybe they forgot from time to time. That didn't keep her from worrying about it, though. If Inferni was right, and wolves were bad, then that made her part bad. Which didn't make sense to her, because she didn't think that she was a bad wolf...coyote...hybrid. That's what it was. A hybrid.

She didn't fit into Inferni very well, that was true. But what other option did she have? Would they be angry if she left? She wasn't sure. Maybe she would talk to Faolin about it. But would the matron laugh at her? Faolin didn't like wolves very much, she remembered.

"I wish to leave Inferni, sometimes...but I do not know how. It is the place that my mother told me I had to go--she told me that I had family there--but then she dissapeared. I 'ave not seen her since the day we were both supposed to join Inferni." Empusa hadn't been a member of Inferni for all of her life, only for the last few months. She'd been born in the subway in the city, far away from it all. So it should have been easier to leave it behind. Why wasn't it easier?"What is life like here, in a pack? Everyone gets along? Is there fights?"[/html]

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