You Tell Me

OoC: So sorry for the wait, hun. ^.^;
Words: 400

Coli fiddled with her claws, her head still bowed so that her long mane of hair cascaded about her face, silky-chestnut strands hiding the sadness in her expression. Alexey was bothered by the news, although she did not immediately show disgust towards her acquaintance. Would she pretend that it was okay to still be friends with Coli, even if she was a tainted soul, something irreparably corroded? She could only continue to drag others down with her. She was not yet established in this pack; it might be kindest to disappear somewhere, never to show her pathetic hide again.

"Cercelee knows," she said simply, catching a snowflake on the tip of her claw. It quickly melted, and she let her hand drop back to her side. "When I arrived at the pack land, a few days ago, I was harassed by Firefly and Svara. Cercelee showed up to dismiss them, and I let her know. She told me that I was still expected to be obedient to him, since he's the Lilium and I'm a newcomer. Then she had to go." All right, maybe that wasn't fair. It wasn't like Cer didn't care or anything, she was just trying to be diplomatic. It was strange to see how much her childhood friend had matured in the year they'd been apart. And how Coli hadn't grown up at all, other than learning to shift. The girl didn't know that Cercelee had become so enraged by the news that she had flown off and attacked Haku, physically scarring the man in several places. All she knew was that her white-furred cousin had been scarce since Coli was admitted.

Alexey spoke again, saying the last words Coli expected to hear.
“You’re not really afraid of everything if you mustered up the courage to come back and face him, right?”
Speechless, Coli brushed the hair from her face, meeting her intense amber gaze. No, Alexey was the strong one here. Surely if she had half of the Koios girl's confidence, she would be able to get her life together. Shaking her head mutely, Coli really didn't know what to say in response, couldn't even muster up a weak denial. Thankfully, the subject turned back to siblings, something she had inquired about before the story.

"Adelaida and Sankor," she repeated slowly, committing the names to memory. "I... hope I do get to meet them..."


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