Ocean and Atlantic; Joining
[html]The clouds were rolling overhead, a sure sign of another oncoming rain or snow. Lately the temperatures had been fairly low, but she was no forecaster. Maybe it'd be rain this time. Rain would almost be worse than snow; it would put a nice layer of ice over whatever was already on the ground, making it more slippery. Prey harder to catch. So she'd hope for snow.

Dierdre stretched her feet out behind her as she exited her den, shaking her head to get rid of the tiredness. Lately she had been feeling a little restless; she'd gone out to the human city only once this week, and wanted to go back to find some more things for Pilot. Her faithful mate had taken very good care of her while she'd been sick with the flu; she couldn't stop trying to show her appreciation. Dierdre had never had someone like him before, never been taken care of by anybody but herself. It was a nice change, really.

She was about to head down to the river, to catch a few more fish for their stash, (she and Pilot never ate squirrels or rabbits, as they reminded him of his adopted parents,) but something distracted her. A howl. It didn't sound like her father...no, this howl had a much different ring to it. Lighter. Someone new had arrived? She started to go toward the area that the howl had come from, around the borders, but knew that it would be a little while before she'd reach the wolf. Her den was halfway across Storm.

The girl shifted as she ran, an odd experience, and soon her four paws were two, carrying her even faster across the snowy, forested lands. It took her a bit, but soon she could begin to smell the borderline, the place that was scent-marked more than the entire rest of the area. Her mismatched eyes took in the surroundings, seeing the speck off in the distance, the wolf that waited politely at the borderlines. She hurried a little faster.

Soon the wolf came into better focus. The white wolf approached with her tail held in a neutral position; she had recieved no threat from this wolf, and wouldn't be overly dominant. New wolves would be a welcomed thing; Storm was always looking to add more to its growing family. The greeting was already bubbling out of her before she even stopped walking. "Hello! You were...the one that called?" She inquired, sitting down a little ways away. "You've reached Storm, the forest-pack led by Phoenix. I'm Dierdre, the Spaherin here. Do you have business in Storm?"[/html]

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