in the caverns of tomorrow

The sun beat down upon her and for all that winter had not relinquished its hold on the lands, Brooklyn thought that today would be a great day for an adventure. As she stood at the edge of the borders, she could feel her heart thumping in her chest. It was all so exciting, the promise of finding things she needed to find, the thought of being so close to adulthood. The white female couldn't help but wonder exactly what being so grown up meant. She would undoubtedly have to take a more active role in the pack, that much was certain. But what exactly could she do? So far she knew how to hunt small game, rabbits and mice. But a pack as big as theirs could not survive on such little food. She would have to join her older members in tracking deer, hunting as one. The thought did not scare her, though she supposed she felt a little regret that she would no longer be able to disappear with Haven and pretend to be ogres and dragons. For a moment, she thought of forgoing Jazper and leaving on her own, but his shifted form soon appeared and with a smile and a wag of her tail, Brooklyn waited for him.

The pup liked Jazper. He was not old enough yet for her to feel as though he were her parent, but still far enough from her own age that she could respect him and turn to him for judgement. Brooklyn smiled up at him, admiring the clothes he wore. One day she would be the same, she'd wear a cloak over her shoulders, she'd carry tools. Like Ehno did. Except she'd be a prince. "I want to go to Halifax. I thought you want to come with me." She didn't add "for protection" because she figured it would be pretty obvious. If she'd wanted to go off on her own, she would have done so by now. "Are you busy? Or can you come with me?" She glanced back into the lands, hoping neither Naniko nor Anu were close. She wasn't entirely sure her mothers would just let her leave. "I want to be a prince, Jazper! So I need to find the right clothes." She hoped he would understand and not reprimand her. She wasn't trying to bilk her way out of the lands, she wanted to see where humans lived.


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