Ocean and Atlantic; Joining
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we launch ourselves into the bright::in character

Nocht felt both anticipation and apprehension bubble in her stomach as she watched the white wolf approach, accepting her neutral stance as a good sign. Her own tail was tucked between her legs in deference, as she inclined her head respectfully. She had convinced her paws to let her piercing alone, despite her nerves and instead she flexed her fingers individually, feeling the muscles pull and relax in turn under the soft sheen of her grey coat. She gave a crooked half smile to the other female when she spoke, nodding. "Aye, 'at was me." She acknowledged. "Figured I'd be polite considering I'm new to the area and more than a little ignorant to the ground rules around here." Nocht found herself comfortable enough to loosen her tongue slightly, but took care not to let herself say too much, too soon. She often had a hard time when it came to stopping herself from talking. She tipped her head to the side and listened with interest as her greeter offered both the name of the pack and her own name.

A forest pack appealed to her, even more-so after her recent stint as a sailor on the high seas. There were few things, if any, more connected to the land and earth bound as Nocht wished to be than trees. It reminded her of home too, the new forest that she had grown up alongside, taking root as did she. She returned Deirdre's courtesy in offering her name. "I'm Nocht." Even the other wolf's name reminded her of home, she thought as she also noted her mismatched gaze upon her. Nocht liked it, she decided. All of it. "I've no business yet, hopefully. Just another lonely wolf looking for a place a stay, hi." Her chin bobbed up slightly on the 'hi', looking both hopeful and conspiratorial as she bargained herself an invite with her charm. Or so she hoped.


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