Future Foe Scenarios
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Heath clung to the male as they fell, only letting go when he felt the ground solidly beneath them. Bouncing off the other, the yearling started to roll on his back, before being scuffed. The other helped him regain his balance. His heart began to calm, settling as his breathing became controlled. It wasn’t till he heard something beside him that he was brought back to his conscious mind. Was he laughing?

Gold eyes stared at the other male, Heath stood up as he searched his face. His brain turned in his skull, almost sending him to the ground again. Taking a moment to steady himself Heath noticed he actually was. Looking at the blood that seeped pasts his pearl white teeth Heath felt the roll of laughter rise in his chest. His breath snorted out of his nose, and he realized that he was too bleeding. Shaking is head, the younger male tried to wipe the red substance from his snout. With his free hand he presented it in a peace offering as well as help the bloke off his ass.


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