small wonders
DaVinci knew that Jefferson was strange but when he entered the farmstead where the Patriarch had been staying he hadn't expected to find anyone else besides Jefferson there. The soft thump and tiny scurry from another room caught his attention as the hybrid male frowned to himself and quietly made his way towards the bedrooms that were past the library and den. He was rather curious as to what in the hell was running around the farm but it seemed that before he would get a chance to investigate the soft whine of another greeted his ears and was quickly replaced with words.

The male finally stood outside the bedroom door where the voice had drifted from and as he turned the knob he spoke up. "Jefferson.. don't be fucking with me.." he warned. The click of the mechanism echoed through the room as suddenly the door openned and right before DaVinci was the small form of a puppy. He frowned to himself and wished he could take back the words that he'd just spoken.. and wished also that Jefferson had warned him beforehand. What the hell was Jefferson doing with a child in the place he'd claimed as his own. "Hey kid.." DaVi said awkwardly as he stared down at the halfpint, aware of an ache for his own grown children and his little sister who now belonged to the clan.

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