Round two

Strawberry blonde fur was lifted by a light wind as the husky closed the door behind him and stood outside with her speaking. His words made Fred look away holding back a full blown smile. Maybe she was an idiot, but maybe she would get something out of it? Why would he change his mind? He was such a puzzle to her. Whinnie could never figure out what he was going to do next. Shaking her head and looked down as he had grabbed her hand making her hold his tighter.

"Oui Monsieur. I would like to go on a walk with you Amour." The she wolf turned her head around and looked at the woods then back at him. Lifting her other hand to his face she questioned him with her eyes before she spoke. "Let's see if we can make that mood even better." Her eyebrow rose in a spunky way before she turned and pulled him by the hand to the woods.

She dropped his hand knowing he would follow and she set her bow and arrows down by the side of the house before looking and him and shifting to her wolf form. Looking at him now as a short strawberry blonde wolf she spoke again. "Run with me amour?" Her tail started to move back and forth behind her showing her impatience to begin.


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