Her assumption had been confirmed -- lightning storms with the absence of rain weren't a daily occurrence here in Bleeding Souls. Despite the fact that this place was named after such a natural phenomenon, that didn't mean it could so often occur without the onslaught of precipitation; either way, however, Mantra thought the Bay pretty cool for its moniker alone. Back where she'd lived, it'd been pretty dry and the chance of rain had always been slim... meaning thunderstorms were even rarer.

It dawned on the tawny female that she didn't even know this stranger's name. Although it seemed odd for two unlikely souls to be conversing without knowing a single thing about one another, Mantra thought the whole situation better this way -- she liked reserving common civilities at times.

Seconds after Kieran predicted a storm might be coming, rain began to pour forth from the heavens like bubbling water spilling over a pot. It was amazing how fast the drizzle became a torrent, splashing down in diagonal sheets rather than visible drops. She frowned visibly now, beginning to feel the effects of a drenched coat on her body temperature and comfort. "Looks like you weren't far from the truth at all. What do you say to relocating maybe?"

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