If you believe in me

Her gulp made it only more obvious that she already was feeling terribly uncomfortable. The male only assumed that his reputation had reached her velvet eats long before today. It always did. He was used to it and would overcome every obstacle. The trick was to distance himself from the rest. At the birth scene he had failed and shown them weakness. It would not happen again. Haku Soul had not forgotten his old ways, and he took some of them in use once again, shutting the world out mentally while seemingly staying the same. A cold and strict leader officially, but the same dignity did not grace him with its presence now. He was however, still a cold man, and with such a natural mask that he more often than not seemed completely emotionless, which he was anyway. Haku had not met all the members in the pack, but as leading scout and leader in the pack, he saw it as his duty to have an overview of the members. Who came and left. He flickered his ears halfway backwards, not fully understanding why she seemed afraid of him. Usually people just outright despised him, but he was not often met with fear. Not fear, but the female looked timid, fragile and uncomfortable. She was afraid of him. He could not comfort her, because he did not know her. She seemed less bitchy than her sister though, but things did not come automatically the first meeting. It would be fun to figure out.

She mumbled something about him being a father and all. He accepted the congratulation by placing a small smile on his mouth. It was not warm nor comforting, only polite and nothing more. He was not happy about it, everything would have been better if it had not happened. ”Thank you, though I can honestly say that I do not handle the role very well.” He would not throw too much effort into the father role, only enough for the pack to accept that he was a functioning father. Things were not good, and it was hard to spend time with the children and Firefly without creating sharp words between the adults. The children did not understand most of what was being said, but they picked up the bitter emotions between their parents. They had been born into a broken home, and he knew they would never know how it would be to grow up in a happy family that took care of each other. Haku could never offer such a thing, because he was not made that way. The Lilium was a damaged soul, and therefore he could not fully be trusted raising a couple of healthy ones. His blue eyes stayed confidently on her, never faltering. ”Are you afraid of me, Adelaida?” There were no correct answers for this, he only wished the truth and why. Reason or no reason, he wanted to know. People hated and feared him for various reasons nowadays, most often he never figured out what for.


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