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She pondered over his question. The truth was that she didn’t truly know. But the green thumbed female had an idea of what little buds she would be planting and nurturing. Every year she tried something new, transplanting wildflowers from different corners of the territory into her garden as well as planting the seeds she had harvested the year before. It was part experiment, experience and luck.

Well, usually mostly wildflowers. Simple plants like Queen Anne's Lace, Black-eyed Susans, Daisys, Asters… And pumpkins. Smiling, Anu thought of the pumpkin patch that she would plant for Haven. Of course there was something else that she wanted to try, Lillys will be this years challenge. I haven’t found them anywhere yet. If I don’t have the seeds, I need to bring the plants into the garden. She wondered if Salem would have a talent in the earthen arts. Looking lazily out in the slowly aging day she questioned, What are you most excited about? Eyes found their way back to his face and a smile crossed her face. She was interested to know where his interests lie.


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