patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
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I think I'll lOlz

Catherine watched with a smile as tayui teached the light male good manners. Their speech mistakes were funny, but she canalysed her laugh into a smile, something almost imposible. It was cute, in a certain way as well. As cute and funny as they running. She couldn't help but to laugh, but a lonely, half sigh, half laugh, than she hold it. Her attention came back to the pale boy in the corner of her view. He was talking to himself, irritated as it seemed. She huffed, again recalling her puphood. The mother called the male, but he relucted for a few seconds and then came to them, with heavy steps. He gave her a reluctant glance with his grayish blue eyes, and then looked to the side. "Hi, Cafherine." he said, with a rough but childish voice. She lowered her head so she could look at him.

"Hello, young boy. Why this face?" she asked, pointing a finger to him. "What face?" he asked not moving his head, only his eyes. "That face." she replied. "It if my face, that'f it!" he argued, completely looking at her, baring his teeth lightly and almost touching her nose. "So you're not so good looking, with this frowned face." she argued back. They were getting somewhere. "For your informafion, I'm very pretty, thank you very much!" he finished, nodding once and turning his back to her, sitting backwards to her and his nose up proudly. The grayish female laughed once and strained her head, looking to the white female.

"He is pretty proud, isn't he?" she asked rethorically. It was more than clear in his actions. A normal kid would just have screamed "No, I'm not ugly!", and she would day "Yes, you are.", and they would keep on it until she doesn't know when. The pale boy just acted as an adult. 'Odd...' she thought, looking to the amel, that hadn't moved. Laughing once again, she just poked him with her nose, noting he losed his balance and fell clumsily, but strained himself again, not willing to let himself get ashamed with her.


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