I can smell the ocean air.
I want something good to die for
omg. new table. I absolutely love. <3

To make it beautiful to live
Faolin studied the girls movements with interest. She started to grow a bit nostalgic as she remembered her own childhood. She missed running along the sands of Inferni with her siblings and Segodi, her father. Catching fish and finding that necklace on one of the rocks along the beach. She still had it, kept it tucked in a drawer with many other things from her past. Empusa did not have any siblings, nothing to share these special moments with. Faolin could not imagine what it would be like to grow up with others around her age. Nyika and Tedros had been a bit older than she was, but they all still got along well.

Empusa's cry brought her crashing back down, the female coyote dashed over to her quickly. Realizing what the problem was Faolin ran her tongue over Empusa's eyes to remove the blood. The seagul lay beside them dead, but getting blood in your eyes did sting like hell. Another lesson she had learned, it was hard to not get the blood all over your face though. The seagul was probably covered in sand so it would make it all the more worst. When Faolin made sure that she could no longer taste the blood she stepped back to get a better look at the girl. "There, you should be fine, darling." Faolin smiled tilting her head to the side. She gave an extra lick on the girls forehead before tossing her head towards the upper part of the beach where they could spend the rest of the day.

"I caught a rabbit earlier that I hid up the beach a little while ago, bring that bird of yours and we can go eat!" Faolin had not ate the rabbit just in case one of the pups would be hungry, but she had gotten sidetracked and decided to spend some time on the beach. This would be a perfect opportunity for the two of them to talk some more. Faolin enjoyed the little girl's company and now that she was growing much older she was enjoying it more and more.


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