silence fell just like a stone
Oh gosh, sorry for the wait. Time is flying.

Beppe hadn't heard either of those expressions before, but he mostly went along with it anyways, lifting his hands into the air and shaking his head. He wasn't completely sure what it meant, but obviously it was something he was doing so it couldn't really be that bad. She was smiling, right? Before he could formulate a witty response, she was charging him, and at the last minute he dipped out of the way, feet slipping on the rocks. He was quite lucky to stay upright.

As he was, he definitely wouldn't be able to catch her; he was still slightly clumsy in his were form, or at least he wasn't able to run confidently. The boy knew it would let him quite a bit behind, but it was short term loss long term gain. He stopped and shifted as quickly as he could. The uncomfortableness of it all was almost gone, now, it was just the idea of it that really bothered him. He could push it out of his mind, anyways. Adrenaline was a wonder drug.

His paws slipped against the rocks as he regained his balance and turned to check on what direction he should head towards. He spotted the girl quite far away given the time he thought he spent -- she was quick -- and started to chase after her. The snowflakes that melted as they hit the ground made a slimy lubricant for the stones on the beach, and the boy was unable to run as fast as usual. It was definitely tricky terrain.

The boy scrabbled across the shore, eyes steady on the escaping girl even though his head was being thrown in a different direction each time his paws slid down the side of the next stone. After a bit he was about ready to give up chasing her. Perhaps speed was not his thing, but surely he was stronger than her. Slowing his bumbling pace to what he hoped was a menacing stroll, he continued towards her. "Hey, French doggie," he called out, "Come back to me, and I will pull on your tail instead!" It sounded kind of mean, he thought, but the smile on his face gave up his real intentions.

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